
By CharChar

Baby Turtles

Today we decided to book a water taxi to take us to the nearest little town Coco Beach. We had a few hours by the pool first then headed to the beach to get our taxi.

It was about a 20 minute ride over to Coco beach. Once we arrived we had a walk around the shops and then stopped for some lunch and a few drinks. After a couple of hours it was getting a bit hot so we headed back to our hotel. When I got off the boat I noticed the door to the turtle tent was open so I poked my head in and the man said to come in, he showed me a box with all the baby turtles in and then let me hold one. He told us to come back later between 5 & 6 to see them getting realised into the sea for the first time. So we went down and saw them, they were so cute making their way to sea, some veered off in the wrong direction so with a little help got there eventually.

We finished the evening off in the steak house and a couple of drinks.

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