
By lassoothemoon

Best foot forward

I spent a good chunk of today sniffing and coughing over job applications for a post in the clinical service I mismanage. The field was strong. To a greater or lesser degree, on paper all the applicants have the experience and skills that the job requires. However - and a rant alert here so click the back button if you do not wish to proceed - the quality of most of the applications left a lot to be desired. So here is ltm's mini-manifesto for job application forms .....

1. Capital letters will be used where appropriate. Writing chunks of the form entirely in small case is not advisable.

2. Spelling shall be checked

3. Ditto grammar

4. When an application asks for the duties and responsibilities of the current post, the current job description will not be shamelessly copied and pasted.

I could go on ... listing o levels, looking carefully at personal spec for job .... but I had better stop there. The good news is that I managed to complete shortlisting, and have found someone great to interview with me.

Hope your week has started well

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