Phantom of the Firth

Fortunately the nasty wet weather held off until after my first proper Porty dook for 3 weeks.
Whilst it is exciting to be in the sea when it’s raining, it’s anything but joyous to struggle into damp clothes on an exposed beach.
However it stayed dry for Sue and me and even with a cool easterly breeze, it was wonderful to be in the waves again and not paddling in the shallows.

My blip is of this almost phantom like ship appearing out of the murk as it sailed towards the North Sea. I wonder if any Edinburger can tell me what she was.

The rain arrived as I left the house to meet up with a friend arriving from North Berwick. We braved John Lewis for a scone and chat before meeting up with more Maggie’s friends at the RSA café. By then it was very wet and the multitude of tourists looked soaked and despondent. The traffic was completely gridlocked either side of Princes Street with an endless queue of buses going nowhere fast. It was quicker for me to walk home, albeit in the rain

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