Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

More lovelies from Remenham

There are several charity shops in Henley, including Helen & Douglas House. At my workplace there is a large bin at the foot of the central staircase where staff are encouraged to deposit unwanted but saleable items. Staff are wealthy and generous and once a week a volunteer from the charity comes to collect the contents of the bin to sell in the shop to raise funds for terminally ill children.

My line manager likes to have a rummage in the bin before the volunteer arrives just in case there is anything in there she would like to help herself to. Yesterday she came round with an entire sackful which she attempted to share with the rest of the team. I'm not sure if anyone else was appalled by this daylight robbery because nobody said anything, and neither did they take anything.

Later in the day she sent me a link to a job she thinks I should apply for, but I don't think it's one I want. Kind of her to think of me in that way though.

Today I took the day off work to nurse my back and my revulsion, and I phoned my former line manager just to hear his lovely kind voice. He's almost got a new job and so I encouraged him to grab the opportunity while it was there in front of him. He says he will.

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