Back to 'normal' (whatever that may be) today.

Ty was up, fed, dressed & ready for school with 5 mins to spare... Good start!

Got myself sorted, & off to the office... I'd left my office keys 'in a safe place' so after tipping the contents of my bag out and realising that the safe place was not in my bag, I went to rescue another set of keys from Dad (mine were obviously hiding in my coat pocket from Friday! D'oh!) and got on with some work!

Lunch at a nice cafe in town, so nice, the ducks even pop in for a cuppa!

Home to await Tyler's return from school & then we popped down the road to our favourite coffee house to chill out, and enjoy a cold diet coke white he did his homework!

All done without a fuss & nice to spend a bit of time with him catching up on what's new & general chats! :)

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