Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Latte Love

Once upon a time I had a really cool, high-tech, programmable, foam the hot milk, make the perfect cup of latte machine.

Then I moved to Europe.

When I first arrived here I didn't even have a kitchen for over a month. That's when I learned to really appreciate this wonderful little stove-top Italian espresso cooker an old friend and colleague had given me. With not much more than this pot and a camp stove, I was able to make it through the challenging days of relocating my family.

In my new simplified live-with-less-life, I rarely miss the old luxuries. But now and then I do crave frothy steamed milk in my afternoon cup o' Joe. So today I resorted to another make-do-method :)

Ahh, I love latte!

Updated note: the friend who acquired my fancy coffee machine before I moved is running the Boston Marathon today, at which two bombs just exploded. I'm desperately praying for her safety. What an incredible tragedy. When will the violence end?!

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