The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Wrong Side Of The Bed

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to IKEA today to have a look at possible things for her new flat.

EMP was driving and on the way back, there was a sign to say that our lane was closed up ahead. The traffic was crawling and everyone was merging in turn into the other lane. We were next to a van and we looked round to check if the driver was going to let us in so we could start moving over. The ANGRIEST woman in the world with a face like a bulldog chewing a swarm of wasps aggressively mouthed ‘NO’ and shook her head.

What the actual? We opted to look straight ahead until she sped past us at 10mph and not to engage in @rseholery.

Maybe she was jealous because we had just bought a bag of mini Daim bars (the best thing about IKEA). Understandable. They are lovely!


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