I Can See....

....All The Typos I Missed!  

The good news? My Tuscany 2002 Photo Book unexpectedly arrived today! And so did my new glasses..just in time to see all the typos in said book! Wish I had had them on Sunday when I was editing the book to send it off to print! I know I couldn't see that well then, but how did I miss so MANY errors? Now that I have my glasses, they are glaringly clear! But, sticking with the good news....that project is done!.. It was a challenge, but now those wonderful memories are recorded...typos and all... and I can now start another one! 

It was indeed an eventful day...It started off this morning with a really enjoyable (but oft interrupted) coffee and cake visit with my friend Pat, during which the hospital phoned with a date for my next procedure.... followed by another call  - this time from the framer to say that my poster was ready for pick-up...then a call from the optometrist that my glasses were ready..and..then  ding dong - the delivery of the photo book..So many surprises all in one day! All earlier than expected and all of them welcome...

The day was full of promise...It is a relief to be moving along so quickly with the medical stuff..I would really like to have all that figured out and settled before the summer.  And, what a relief after all these weeks to be able to see normally again! ..to read and work on the computer  comfortably and for longer periods, to do a crossword puzzle without a magnifying glass..to drive and be able to read the street signs ...and see pedestrians! ..seeing pedestrians is especially good...And I am now free to leave town! Drive on the freeway! Free at last! I might even try driving in the dark.... maybe without cataracts, I will not be blinded by oncoming traffic anymore! 

So, it was a very good day...Tomorrow?  Bookclub....which is something I always look forward to...so tomorrow may be a good day too...Can this last? 


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