
Creadigrwydd ~ Creativity

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Rydyn ni'n cael Sam gyda ni am ddau ddiwrnod yr wythnos hon. Heddiw roedden ni'n chwarae gyda phlastisin yn bennaf. Cafodd Sam y syniad i wneud blodau a photiau blodau. Felly gwnaethon ni rolio'r plastisin ac yn torri siapau gyda thorwyr bisgedi. Gwnaeth Sam y blodau gan wthio plastisin drwy hidlydd te i wneud 'mwydod'.  O'r diwedd gwnaethon ni ffynnon ac un rhoi popeth ar batio plastisin. Rydyn ni'n gadw'r greadigaeth fel canolbwynt bwrdd am gyfnod.

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We are having Sam with us for two days this week. Today we mainly played with plasticine. Sam came up with the idea to make flowers and flower pots. So we rolled the plasticine and cut out shapes with biscuit cutters. Sam made the flowers by pushing plasticine through a tea strainer to make 'worms'. We finally made a fountain and put everything on a plasticine patio. We are keeping the creation as a table centrepiece for a while.

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