A Morning in da Greenhoose

A beautiful sunny day, lovely and warm in the lea, still a chilly breeze.  Some cloud this evening. 

A morning puttering about the house.  Another late shift in the airport today.  I was on check-in first thing, and then meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  A couple of delays on the last flights, but we made up time, and got them out sooner rather then later.  Walkies with Sammy, and then feet up. 

Being on late shift this week, means I don't have much time to putter about the garden or greenhouse.  No lights in there yet, so evenings are out, but I managed to squeeze some time this morning.  I have plenty of plants doing good, just needing more sunny days like today, especially for the warmth inside.  Managed to get some more plants re-potted, but so much more to do.  Taken in Hawthorn Cottage garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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