
By minniemouse1966

Old Man

Received a text message from H early this morning to say we wouldn't be able to go out as planned today as Thunder was poorly and she needed to take him to the vets, he has had diarrhoea for a couple of days but doesn't seem to be getting any better and we are going away tomorrow and my hubby is supposed to be looking after him but H didn't think it was fair as Thunder is making such a mess as he doesn't seem to know he's doing it or just can't get outside in time and because of his fur he's getting it all over him. So we took him to the vets who examined him and gave him some medication to help firm up his poo which we gave him and within a few minutes he had thrown it all back up so at the moment A is staying at home with him if he's no better in the morning whilst me, H and M go to York but A will join us on Saturday if he's better and my hubby will have him so fingers crossed he's ok tomorrow.

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