Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

History in flames

Dave's picture of our community hall made the local paper. But for all the wrong reasons as it was alight, burning fiercly after being set alight by, as we later discovered from police reports, an 18 year old, a 15 year old and a 13 year old. I just hope they hadn't meant it and it was a bit of mischief that got out of hand.

Well over a century of experiences and memories have gone up in smoke, for that hall has surely witnessed some sights. From patient therapy to Kingseat staff shows, dances and romances with a few years as a commandeered naval hospital thrown into the mix during the war. It would have made an amazing artists hub, community cafe and events venue. But i guess what's more amazing, after near 25 years being abandoned, is that it hadn't already succumbed to fire before now (certainly since the earlier developer very likely torched one of the buildings nearby some years back...to make it cheaper to throw up yet more souless, bland accommodation in its place.)

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