
By WeeChris

Grandfather's watch

This is a gentleman's fob watch, which belonged to my Grandfather, although I have no idea if he was its first owner. For certain the watch has not been wound since my Father died, fifteen years ago. We've kept it in a display cabinet for about a decade or more. Years ago, towards the end of my secondary school career, I was in a school play, "Our Town" by Thorton Wilder. I needed a fob watch as a prop. Dad lent this watch to me for the run. I felt honoured to have been given it on trust because he clearly felt it was a link to his own Dad, who by all accounts was not always a perfect model.

Looking for a subject for a macro shot I remembered the watch with its precise mechanism. When I opened the back and wound the winder the watch started immediately. That was about an hour ago. The sound is delicate and exact. Inside it reads "Swiss Made," which some will think is a cheap cliche. I however am impressed.

I have just realised this is my 100th blip. Dad was a (professional) photographer with a rather strong Calvanist streak - he believed in "sticking at things." I hope he would be impressed too.

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