It's one life, live free!



Change makers not just sit there but stir the water to make a way for themselves and with their strong sense of belief that it paves way for others too, causing ripple effects.

I’m in awe on how Elon look to bring change on a platform where he spends most of his time abs energy. Damn! That courage and clarity to push the needle and not just sit around to have things unfurl. It doesn’t matter if he gets to buy the company or not. It did stir the water and made everyone think of what’s been asked out of them and why one avid users concerns have to be paid attention for.

How many such things in our life that we spend that much amount of time abs energy and wished that if only…

The contrast in the architecture between these two buildings next to each other is an exact representation of it. Change is good and change should be made often. The burning question is at what pace? And who defines it?

One of the things I keep dwindling through out the days at work on how I can change the way middle management does their job and how better their life could be if only there was a tool which could bring clarity just the way an excel file with data does and combining it with visual flow and collated repository of first, second, and third order effects with a click of a button on a browser. This cuts their time spent in meetings in fact findings, it will provide a clear trail of how the requirements asked for has an impact on the overall design and the process via the visual trail and makes the communication instant with the owners tagged to the flow. Browser based.
There were tools built to tackle one portion of the problem or a part of it. Others were built as a platform to manage the whole of it with a cost, additional overhead of adapting to the tool and time consuming implementation efforts. Anything that one has to manage, visualise, document, report has to be fit on a single screen with contextual inputs at hand.

Looking at the whiteboard capabilities has released this week, this feature is already out there in one or other form. The tech is ripe to have such a tool built with ease and finesse.

The kick in the butt comes in varied forms and I’ve make sure this has the required escape velocity. Or die in my thoughts, trying !

Some of the things I’ve read today/listened to include:

1. No grand theory can explain the Ukraine crisis: F Scott Fitzgerald remains correct that first-class minds can handle ambiguity and contradiction. The rest of us need structure
2. Twitter/Elon Musk: is funding secured this time? “Funny how the FT readers didn’t get the $69.420 joke” they live a world in its own
3. K-Mag’s return to F1:
4. Sleep listened to how Sugar is same as alcohol

Picture shot while waiting for the light to turn green after a dance class.

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