The day to start is today

By Traci

What a wonderful thought it is

that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet

Not such a bad day today, all of us in the classroom were not up to speed - it is after all the first day back. So we took everything gradually this morning and with a calm afternoon to make sure they survived for tomorrow. Bless them even then they were shattered. Too much fun and relaxing over the Easter break!

While waiting for youngest, doing her hour and a half power aerobics - I power napped, hopefully inconspicuously in the car after a quick bit of shopping, best exercise in the world. I was once banned from an aerobic class with my friend , allegedly we didn't know our left's from our right's and were slightly uncoordinated during the 'class routines'. Hmmm I just couldn't remember the steps and was sure they changed them each week as it never seemed the same. I took up power walking, less of an accidental contact sport I thought. I still do a lot of walking - just more sedately. I don't like running (like my eldest) as I like to see whats going on around me.

I do feel much better now I have my new academic year diary and bright 'organised' folders. It is suprising how many dates needed to be put in already. I suppose lots of people work around the New Year as their 'diary' time. I always have July I suppose as my Year start, with the job I am in it makes more sense.

Right bags packed for tomorrow, lunch made and shoes put out for youngest who couldn't find them this morning and missed the bus. She didn't mind too much she got to ride to school with Dad on the motorbike but pups was a bit disgruntled as he didn't get to go and see everyone at the bus stop and then a walk before work. So I think he may make sure the shoes are ready for tomorrow too.

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