The Glamour Of A Great Garage, Aylesford

My second day of extreme relaxation and I was beginning to really love it. Then I spotted an e-mail about a payment warning for my website and I quickly descended into the modern hell that is "raising a support ticket". According to my website supplier my payment details were out of date,. i.e. my debit card connected to my account was an old out of date one. So I tried to pay with my "new" card but they had the wrong mobile phone number for me so I couldn't receive the now obligatory authentication code and, thus, couldn't finalise the payment. I told the website supplier that they had the wrong mobile phone number via the first support ticket. They then informed me that I had to contact their payment supplier as they couldn't pass on my details. I don't remember ever having dealt with said payment supplier so tried to contact them (they didn't recognise my e-mail address and have no call centre or phone number so I couldn't raise the problem with them). So back I went with another support ticket to my website company saying that I wanted to make the payment but couldn't. They were equally adamant that they couldn't take my card details or correct mobile number.
 This was when the swearing and the rage kicked in especially as I was being told unless I made the payment my website would be suspended. I therefore raised the third "support ticket" to which their reply was  "this has never happened before we hope you can sort it out" - no shit Sherlock! Eventually, I somehow managed to find details of how to raise a query/problem (please, please can the f**king words "support ticket" be banned forever) with the payment supplier and I'm awaiting a response.
After all this I needed to step away before I exploded so I went down the village for a cold pint and a bit of walk with my brother in the glorious weather. Relaxation kicked in again and I even managed to take today's shot which cheered me up no end!

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