Just bits really.

By Hanner


It's almost always a good thing. If you don't allow yourself to change then you're just standing still. A lot is changing at the moment, and it's times like this that people who resist change really come out of the woodwork. The people who can't keep up and get left behind. I'm not one of those people. And I refuse to be held back.
I found myself feeling almost jealous of someone today. Someone who once held me back. I was jealous of the way they seemed so relaxed and content with their life. Just drifting. Then I thought 'But what do they have that I don't?' And the answer is 'Nothing'. Then I realised that they had not changed. They have resisted change. They were still the person they were 2 or 3 years ago. And that might seem okay to them for now, but haven't you got to have some direction? Haven't you got to, at some point, make a plan?
I have a plan right now. I feel like I'm on track for the first time in a long time and I feel like all my struggling and hard work is paying off. This is a good change.

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