A Piece Of The Action

Many thanks for the concern for Sophie yesterday. She’s managed not to be sick too much today on her diet of water and Kate says she has been a bit livelier at times -  she even managed a trademark smile on our video call late afternoon so hopefully she is making progress!

Tess and I walked over to Glastonbury for coffee at our friends’ house this morning. It was very pleasant sitting in the sunshine in their garden chatting.

Less pleasant was watching Yeovil’s home game against Aldershot this afternoon: we had most of the possession but could do little with it against a well organised and resolute Aldershot defence, before conceding two sloppy goals from corners in the space of 4 second half minutes.

The game was delayed for 12 minutes when an over exuberant ‘Shots fan appeared to slip and knock himself out celebrating their second goal. Fortunately he appeared to be OK after treatment and returned to the stand to see the end of the game.

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