Looking towards Brotherswater...

... from Red Screes, looking over Middle Fell.

We had a few Wainwrights in the Eastern Fells area to do. So an early start to beat the traffic saw us parked at Brotherswater by 8.15. Walked over Hartsop above How, then we got in the clouds - serious pea souper, so pleased we knew the route - onto Hart Crag, then Dove Crag (both done when we did the Fairfield Horseshoe) but then we went on to Red Screes, where the cloud cover finally lifted, and dropped down to Middle Dodd (pictured) cut back towards Dove Crag, but then forked right over Little Hart Crag and finally High Hartsop Dodd, then dropped back down to lake level and along Brotherswater and finally back to the car. Despite the weather forecast, we had no sun, and at times on the tops it was pretty cold. So much for the warmest day of the year. 

We had thought of a few early exit routes on the walk if we'd needed them, but managed it all, though a bit tired at the end. Hardly surprising as it involved 13 miles and 3400 feet of climbing. The hills were reasonably gentle though, with no scrambling involved, so it wasn't too strenuous.

Hartsop Above How: 183/214
Hart Crag: (Done previously)
Dove Crag (Done previously)
Red Screes: 184/214
Middle Dodd: 185/214
Little Hart Crag: 186/214
High Hartsop Dodd: 187/214

27 to go

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