Hobbs's Run

By hobbs


The weather is still nice and so I'd better cram in some Blue Mountains scenery while I have the chance. Being Easter Saturday however, the entire district is infested with tourists from Sydney who haven't seen the mountains on a fine day for quite some time. To makes matters worse much of the Blue Mountains National Park is closed due to landslip concerns. Places where you CAN go are therefore twice as popular than normal. Incidentally this is many kilometres away from last week's tragedy in which two tourists were killed by falling rocks.

Right here is Cahills Lookout  which features a walkway headed down toward the Megalong Valley. The location actually encompasses several lookouts, each of which look down upon lower ones as you progress. The last extra shows the view south east past "Boars Head" toward the Jamison.

Despite crowds, the scenery itself is unencumbered and so the main image looks out south west toward Narrow Neck Ridge, which separates the Jamison Valley from the Megalong Valley. Needless to say, in order to see the picture properly (sigh) you really need to view LARGE - if you would.

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