The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Baptism Of Fire

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to visit Mary Doll and Victor today. We were having lunch and Mary Doll asked if could do a couple of things for her.

Mary Doll: “ Can you look at my funeral plan first?”

Me: “Ok”

Mary Doll: “because I’m going on Tuesday”

Me: “Going? Off this mortal coil? Wow, hadn’t realised you had a specific date in mind. I’ll keep Tuesday free”

Mary Doll: “No! To the planner”

Me: “if you could just make sure you don’t shuffle off on Tuesday or I’ll think I’ve hexed you!”

Terry (EMP’s boyfriend) came round for his first official family dinner tonight. We had a great night and were still sitting at the table at midnight. He survived The Prince asking Alexa for ‘Tubthumping’* and a YMP interrogation with ease (and wine).


*because he was drinking a ‘whisky drink’

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