A very GOOD Friday

It’s a very good Good Friday. Church this morning was absolutely great and we had so many more people than we expected, both chairs were being pulled out and added and communion trays stocked and added. Hallelujah we say. As Christians, we get why it’s ‘Good’. We say, ‘thank you Lord Jesus, for going to the cross for me’.

But it’s also MightyMouse’s 15th birthday. My youngest is 15. How did that happen?

I remember clearly, my gaggle of children when he was born.

So today we did presents, (and happily we had LongLegs back home for the beginning and end of the day), and then church, then bacon sandwiches (birthday boy choice) and later, Wagamama’s and then the cinema to see ’Operation Mincemeat’.

It’s a superb film, but maybe not the best one for MightyMouse’s birthday evening. Ice cream helped though. :-)

So thank you Lord Jesus for going to the cross, and thank you Heavenly Father for 15 years of our quirky funny rapidly growing youngest son, who is a delight, and we pray that he will delight our Lord too.

And as for the weird present from DougsJB & PuddleDuck, it included his favourite cereal box filled with a tonne of his favourite sweets that MightyMouse thought you were supposed to eat with the wrapper still on. Strange child.

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