An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

People bring joy to this house....

And with that it was time for our friends to head home.  

S & L bought us that little plaque* and it made me laugh so much so I made them pose with it before leaving :-)

A million kisses and cuddles from the girls and a million checks that they hadn't left anything behind (especially the singing Santa! ;-) and they were off.  They'd only been gone 10 minutes when we found the dog's food bowl and Faith's cup.  We shall keep them here for their next visit.  

After waving them off, we returned inside to a VERY quiet house!  

Beds stripped, washings on, a quick tidy up then D headed to the driving range and I went to the studio and completed a watercolour painting.  It's turned out better than I hoped but not as well as I want, but it serves as a good practice painting so I will do it again, making the necessary changes I feel it needs.

David returned from the range and we had a coffee before he went for a swim with Alan.  I bought lovely steaks for us to have for dinner but we were both too tired to cook so got a Chinese takeaway instead.  We can have the steaks tomorrow and the lamb I had planned to make tomorrow will do for Monday.

Friend Fiona confirmed that her sister Lorraine will bring her here tomorrow just after 1pm and we will have the afternoon together.  Really looking forward to catching up with her.  

Fiona's an artist and sculptor and close personal friend of Andy Scott so I look forward to telling her about me recent trip to the Kelpies and how I have finally seen them from behind!  :-))

On your marks...

*The plaque says People bring joy to this house. Some by coming.  Some by going.    :-)))

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