mm 2012

By kewarra

Three little bugs went out one day....

I couldn't resist going back and trying again. Ended up having to bring them home ahead of the very black and threatening storm clouds..... at least that's my excuse, and I will return them presently - actually I'll probably introduce them to my hibiscus plant so that they may stick around for a while. They were on the seed pods of a Flame Tree (I think).
They are Cotton Harlequin Bugs - Tectocoris diophthalmus Family Scutelleridae
The bugs are also known as Hibiscus Harlequin Bugs. They are common in Brisbane. Females are orange with small patches of metallic blue scatter over their body. Males are red with metallic blue patches. Their patterns can be quite different between individuals. Males are smaller than the females in size. Their scutellum completely covers the whole abdomen and wings.
Female bug lays eggs and sticks them around stem during early summer. Maternal care is common in stink bug families. Cotton Harlequin Bug is well know for maternal care.
They're about 1 cm long - not much bigger than my little finger nail and are obviously related to shield bugs giving off the same sort of smell as the ones on my lemon tree.

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