Belinda Lee

By bellee

The Kindness of People

Bombs are clearly not kind to people, war is not kind to people, conflict can be a horrible thing. And a lot of the time the media feeds it....okay that may be a little harsh. I do not watch a lot of news; I find it to be negative, and very one sided.

However....the events of today have shown (I believe) that people are kind. Whether this is a new phenomenon or we just haven't seen it before I am unsure. And you may think kindness is a mild term, but for people to run towards a bomb blast, in aid of other people, I think this is amazing. Also the people that live in Boston, giving up their homes, providing showers and food and drinks, and all of those runners that went straight to hospitals to give blood.

Kindness is so important. If you are kind to another person, they are likely to pass it on, even just a smile or asking if a person needs help when they look distressed. Doing a good deed of any such an important part of being a Global Citizen.

We each have our own struggles....I have many myself, but I am better off than a lot of people in this world. I got my Live Below the Line welcome pack today and have put up my poster and a couple of other things on the lounge room wall to keep me motivated.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to make someone's day a little better, so please do.

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