The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Holly blue

As I came back through the garden from a morning at the allotment, a holly blue butterfly was fluttering about the forget-me-nots.  It stayed around long enough for me to get the camera and fit the macro lens, and take just a few shots.  It's not a rare species with us, but I very rarely see one in the garden, despite having both its larval food plants (holly and ivy).

Well, it wasn't my intention to take a three week break from blipping, I had been working on completing a whole year with no gaps.  But I lost momentum after my old friend Andrew visited, and somehow I didn't get going again.  We have also been busy with a massive Spring clean and a sort out of far too much stuff, there's still much to do, though we have made good progress.  Today (Sunday) we have been selling a few surplus houseplants at the garden gate, raising a little money to donate to the DEC's Ukraine appeal.  In recent weeks, Caroline has run a series of relax the mind and body zoom sessions that raised £250 for the appeal. 

The last blip was of Reg unearthed.  People said then that he would be regretting emerging from his hibernaculum as the weather was about to turn cold again.  And it did, and he's been lying low since, I've not even seen him in this last couple of warm days.  

I shall do a Gus blip in the next couple of days.  He had a difficult time with his arthritis a couple of weeks back, and he had a bad limp during the colder weather.  He's been much better this last week, partly perhaps because it's been so much warmer, but in part too due to a new injection which the vet gave him to help with his painful joints.  He is now half way through the first four week cycle of the injections.

That's a quick update for now. I may say more later about my three week gap.  Apologies for missing blipversaries and lack of comments, and thanks to my blip friends as always for bearing with me during my absence.

Happy Easter!

Back-blipped on Sunday 17th April 2022

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