…has arrived
it’s resurrection sunday people
most of us are familiar with - the story of jesus - being crucified on good friday - he died, his body wrapped - in linen cloth and laid - in a borrowed tomb - sealed with a huge boulder - 3 days later - according to custom - the women took herbs - to tend his body - found the tomb open - and 2 shining, godly men standing there
“why are you looking for the living among the dead?” asked the men. “he is not here, but he has risen!” luke 24:5-6 (csb)
i read that - hear it, and it sometimes - just gives me pause - because don’t i, too - look for life or - things where they cannot be found - search for meaning in the - deepest depths instead of - turning to the one - who knows all and - can quench my thirst - like no other - it’s been that way since - the serpent’s lie took hold - in the garden - we’ve been on a fruitless path - bound to end in despair and destruction - but wait the story - doesn’t end there because
hope arrived
“he is not here, but he has risen!” luke 24:6 (csb)
when the women peered - inside that tomb to see - empty - he was risen indeed
on this resurrection sunday - we celebrate that our savior - is as alive today as he was when he - stood before his disciples - our abba god is not - an abstract concept - an idol, a faraway deity or a false prophet - nope jesus christ is the risen - and living messiah - he was born to set you - and me free through his life, death and resurrection - our great hope is flesh, blood and bone - he is glorified forever - sitting at the right hand - of god the father - and this is where he will now - reign as king forever and ever - jesus is risen - he is risen indeed - and that makes this…
happy day.....
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