Engine, The Band

Robin, Pierre, and Alejandro on our front porch (3 years ago).

Movable Parts Productions is thrilled to announce the return to music concerts after a 2 year+ hiatus. (If this sounds like promo script, it is...but not promoting to my blip mates).
Who: Robespierre  Robespierre performing..... She's a Loner
Be not confused. This is the talented and playful modern guitar/harp duo of 
Robin Gentien & Pierre Lauth from France, 2/3 of our favorite band ENGINE. 
Not Robespierre the French lawyer and statesman, one of the best-known and most influential figures of the French Revolution…before being executed by guillotine.

Robespierre (Robin + Pierre) will play a bunch of their tunes, later joined by Alejandro to play some of our favorite music from Engine. 

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