Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

A nice Sunday, sunny spells. Breezier than expected on the morning bike ride. the wind was quite noticeable on the climb south from Auchendinny. I had expected that as the wind was supposed to be a southerly. On the road to Mount Lothian, some cyclists were struggling to find views looking northward, Arthur's Seat was not visible. Once over the first set of climbs the top, and heading south west from the Whisky Well climb the rest of the ride was quite nice. A lot of cyclists out, most cheery, so the fine Spring weather was having its effect. The climb over the Meldons was quite nice, but once I got to Lyne, A72, the cycling felt a lot easier. It was a nice ride home via Romannobridge and West Linton. There was a rear cross wind on the moor road, but I put that down to the landscape rather than a meteorological phenomenon. I only got stopped by one set of traffic lights in Penicuik. Even the Hillend junction was quiet, no queues. 78.56km

The route can be seen at Relive here.

Very warm in the afternoon, no coat required for the Easter Sunday walk to Swanston. 18degC. It was breezier than the morning. There were quite a few walkers heading up the steep path, which you might be able to see if you view the blip, taken from just above Swanston village, large. This week partner and I headed west. Extra 1 show a view of Edinburgh. Despite being warm, it was quite murky, so no views of Fife beyond the castle. Lower down in sheltered fields Extra 2 shows wee lambs were gambolling in the fields.

Nice to get home and have a wee bit of chocolate with my afternoon coffee.

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