Mollycoddling the cat
He is certainly the centre of attention at the moment on his front of house throne.
The word itself is somewhat curious
but certainly rolls off the tongue pleasingly.
Had coffee with Strider before he went back to Canterbury.
Bought three more pairs of Skechers and am going to throw out all my other shoes. Comfort is all. I now have one pair for everyday stomping around town; one pair for stomping on the local commons and woods; one pair for smarter occasions; and sandals for warm weather (ever the optimist).
Helped a man who lives several streets away and was trying to rescue his cat which had wandered over our way. Name of Scoresby. The cat I mean, not the man. Named after a character in His Dark Materials. I grabbed the cat and lent him a pet carrier. I mean I lent the pet carrier to the man not the cat. Although technically it could be either. Or both.
The day faded into the sort of lethargy that sometimes accompanies a warm bank holiday.
Two days at work then off to Barcelona for four nights. Lots to do before then; don’t usually work Tuesdays but in the office tomorrow …
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