And ThenThe Snow Came...

Surprisingly it has been quite an eventful day here on our street. Two neighbours are having their driveways dug up and repaved..and who thought it would all happen on Easter Monday? 

It was an indoor day; I had no desire to go started out cold and then the rains came -  as did all the construction machinery for the driveway reconstructions! 

With all this excitement and noise, workers in fluorescent vests wandering all over the lawn, huge trucks coming and going, and various construction vehicles tearing up asphalt, you would think that Maggie , sitting in her window, might have noticed?  Been interested? Excited that something was actually happening out there and worth watching? But  no...she  barely lifted her head...ho hum...another boring day...

Bu then the SNOW came..say WHAT? (So much for wanting to take yesterday's little quilt down in case of sitting in the sun today and needing a lap quilt for cold breezes?) SNOW? Give me a break! 

So, how could snow not be the blip of the day?  

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