My Warhol moment

Many thanks for all the kind comments and stars on my 9th blipversary:  much appreciated.This morning we travelled by Amtrak to Washington DC.  But not before I visited the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul.  It had been closed on Easter Monday but opened at 7am so I had time to pop in.

Philadelphia station is magnificent in its grandeur.  In one area is a panel to "The Spirit of Transportation".  In the right hand corner some children are holding models of a train, a paddle steamer and an airship. See extra, It was made in 1895 by Karl Bitter.  What would he make of today's transport?

We made our way over 2 hours to Washington and settled into our hotel for the next week.  I popped out to a nearby supermarket for some water and tonic and could not resist the main blip.  We do still get Campbells soups at home but never quite stacked in this way.

An early meal before resting up ahed of the sights tomorrow.  I hope the very cold wind easers and the promised warmth arrives!

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