
By Marionb

Pressed For a Time...

.. a LONG time!  I was rummaging through shelves in my craft room today trying to make room for some photo binders and came across this pressed flower journal! I had forgotten all about it...

It really is a neat book - old now - published back in the 1998. It is a pressed flower starter kit in a way..or at least it has instructions for starting - but it is meant to be used as a journal..a special book in which you can keep pressed flowers or leaves and record your memories of the time and place where you found them. It has pages for text interspersed with vellum envelope pages for the pressed items. 

I loved the idea of that, but I can see that I never got around to the journaling part! I just used it to store my pressed flowers and leaves...which, by the way, I have never used, as I had totally forgotten I had them! I emptied one of the envelopes today to see how the items have held up over all that time...and, although fragile, they are just fine!  

Now that I know I have these pressed items, I should start using them in some way - on cards, gift tags, or inserted into letters or travel journals.. I am not sure what else to do with them, so ideas are welcome!

I would love to take the book with me on a trip - overseas would be perfect, but not very practical as luggage space is so tight, but I could at least take it to the cottage or on local jaunts and use it as it was intended - as a journal - on location! I could even start now - with some pressed pansies - from the the pot I had to bring in from outside yesterday to save them from the snow! ( main) 

It seems I never run out of possible craft projects around wonder I have so many unfinished ones! 

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