
By KaliBug

Long Time No See

This is me hugging a women that I built a house for 2 years ago (during my sophomore year) I am now a senior.

I was very lucky that this man named Dani (Who I had met 2 years ago) came to our campsite with his pastor to speak to us about the magnitude of what we're doing for these families. I saw him and ran over to him and gave him a huge hug and we were talking and catching up. Then one of the older members on the trip (his name is dick but everyone calls him abuelo) told me that Dani was going to be taking him (dick) to go see one of the families that we built houses for my sophomore year.

I asked Dick if I could go too and he said I had to talk to Georgine (the group leader & the boss of everything). So I did and she said it was ok but I had to check with my site supervisor first to make sure they weren't going to get behind because I was gone. Chris (my site supervisor for the next day) said I could go if I wasn't gone too long because they needed me.

So, we got to go see them, just Dick, Dani, and I. As I stepped out of the car, the mother came running up to me and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to pass out. We had tears running down our cheeks and smiles on our mouths. He daughter, Brenda, came running out screaming at the top of her lungs "Mi hermana! Mi hermana!" (my sister! my sister!) *When I built the house for them 2 years ago, Brenda became very attatched to me and started calling me her sister. she drew a picture of me on a piece of dirty cardboard as an angel who answered her prayers with a house for her family. She cried so hard when I told her I had to leave. She told me see you later... I started crying and told her that it wasn't see you later, it was goodbye and that I wouldn't be back.* She was so happy to see me... and my goodness she grew up fast. (She's eight now!)

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