Fit to fly

The last pieces of the jigsaw fitted into place today. Passed the fit to fly LFT tests, got the certificate, completed the paperwork on the Veryfly app used by BA. We’d read lots of criticism about the app, but it worked fine for me.

Loads of other bits to do, including renegotiation our Virgin deal. Humph! How come I can pay the same as last year for faster speed and loads of TV channels (which I don’t want) for £11 less a month than the renewal I was quoted?

Todays blip was taken as I was on my way home from collecting $US, it was lit from behind against a dark background.

At last, the “informal consultation” report on Project A was published by the Parish Council; 8 months after the consultation ended and 3 months after the council received the report.

Although some 60% were in favour and 40% against there are major flaws in the consultation. The consultants could not distinguish whether respondents lived in the Parish or not nor could they distinguish whether the respondents were members of the tennis club, allotment holders or an unattached resident.

Here’s the link if you’d like to read the report:

The local paper reported an initial assessment:

I’m not sure how much I’ll be commenting over the next three weeks, but I hope you’ll enjoy the trip

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