
By NamaKris

Flower subscription

Arrived, finally.
A friend’s friend has writtin a book called: Northern Paiutes of Malheur

“ In 1870 a 26-year old Paiute (Sarah Winnemucca) wrote to an army officer requesting that her people be given a chance to settle and farm their ancestral land in Oregon. The eloquence of her letter was such that it made its way into Harper's Weekly. Ten years later as her people languished in confinement as a result of the Bannock War, she convinced Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz to grant the requests in her letter and free the Paiutes as well. But Schurz's decision was soon upended in response to a barrage of disinformation from Indian agents and other officials who falsely blamed the Paiutes and their chief for the Bannock War.”

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