
Yesterday Shadow was late for breakfast. Or, rather I had woken up earlier, put it out earlier. And along came Mr Magpie who decided Shadow's breakfast was the best thing out. Yesterday I had used a pate and simply broke it into large chunks. But Mr Magpie looks at it, and decided that this was much better than taking those small biscuits for his young 'uns. He got a whole huge chunk in his beak, it was about 1/5th of the whole pate, and takes off, and is back moments later for another chunk. Mr Magpie had nearly finished the whole lot off when Shadow emerged. She was disgusted, looked at the bowl Mr Magpie had been eating out of, looked at me and marched out of the garden, her tail lashing in displeasure.

I went out and put a new bowl wet cat food out for her. She returned, but still refused to eat. She kept returning throughout the day to check on the food situation, but refused to eat whatever I put out for her. So, the other strays had a feast all day. Finally I am locking up the cat diner for the night when Shadow shoots in the bungalow, looks at my cat food supply and shoots out again. This means feed me outside. So, I washed the cat bowl, dried it, put some fresh wet cat food in, and take it outside. Shadow is all friendly to me, unlike yesterday morning...

Creative today is a kaleidoscope using the laboscope app. It is of another Jack-By-The-Hedge, but the flower buds were so tiny you can hardly see them. What I did like about it was the two leaves superimposed, and the pattern they made.

Time for another coffee and another tea...and I am in need of a nap, although I did sleep well last night...

Have a good day...

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