
By brambleblossom

I’m posting this a day late as I was waiting for my son to share his happy news with the wider family.
Thank you so much for the good wishes and prayerful thoughts offered to my son and his wife. Their baby son was born by C section yesterday morning and all went well .We were on the beach , looking at this gorgeous view when he rang to give us the news . They have not had a straightforward 9 months and the birth of their daughter, 2 years ago had been traumatic so to know that all is well is a massive relief for the parents and grandparents.
We had a lovely day with Arthur who had arrived early morning with a request to visit a harbour. After a little bit of research on our appliances it seemed that Glasson Docks or Preston Docks we’re the best we could manage , we need to visit ourselves first to see if they would be suitable so instead opted for Fairhaven Lake at Lytham . For a modest charge you can hire a motorboat for 20 mins , which we did . Arthur steered around the lake ( with a little help) after which we had fish n chips followed by an afternoon of sand play during which time the tide actually came in . Only the second time I’ve seen the tide in !The photo is proof although it’s not that clear !
We told him that his new cousin had arrived but he didn’t seem that impressed, I shall be reading him “The Big Boy cousins “ from the Katie Morag series of books , set on the island of Coll . The books used to provide a framework for the entire summer term when I taught. year 2 . Oh the fun we had ! and oh the fun I’ll have .

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