View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

Never leave a stone unturned...

Well as you can tell, I need say no more as I don't want to run the risk of boring you all to sleep on the matter) !!!

It was a nice enough evening when H and C got home from school/pre-school for them to play in the garden (and to eat Al fresco - hence the cheese on the table!) They have been dying to paint their stones for ages and ages and ages..... Finally, with no risk to my white walls they were allowed to have a go!

The good news for Charlie George this morning was that we woke to a text message from the County Education Allocations Authority to tell us he had his place at school alongside his sister for next term. It wasn't really a surprise as firstly, Hannah goes there and secondly we only live 400m away, so we are well within catchment and thirdly as a Service family we still get looked upon favourably!

He has been so worried about going to school as he seems to think he is going somewhere else. The nice thing about his pre-school (and the reason we moved him there last Aug) was that it lodges in spare classrooms in the school, so he is already used to the venue and the morning and afternoon routine. It also means he will go to school with all his little 'mates' (as he calls them!) Poor old Hannah went knowing absolutely no-one and as she was the youngest in the school by an olympic mile (born 4 days inside the cut off), she struggled for the first term, having only just turned 4. You would never know it now though to look at her - :-)

Right, thats enough from me for tonight - laters taters bliperloons :-)

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