
By Croft16

Bonar Bridge shaped rainbow over Bonar Bridge..

Went shopping today, for the first time since we went shopping last time. I can't remember exactly when that was, but probably early February. We were getting short on stuff, and I'm starting to suffer from mushroom withdrawal symptoms.

We don't go shopping very often, as it involves a 100, 160, or 200 mile round trip. Today we went to Invergordon. This means a trip to the East coast via Lairg, Bonar Bridge, and Struie hill. This is the view from Struie back to Bonar, with the added delights of the rainbow.

Strong winds all afternoon, and where farmers were spring drilling, the fields and roads looked like they were on fire with the dust rising like smoke.

The waters near Bonar can be quite turbulent, so I'd better play this music, a stunning piece of music..

Coming back, alongside Loch Shin, the wind was picking up the spray from breaking waves and blowing it 100 yards and 30 feet high over the trees at the side of the road..

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