Glasgow Tenement House - 145 Buccleuch St

Agnes Toward lived there from 1911 to 1975, alone after her mum died in 1939, and she didn’t alter anything except having electricity put in in 1960. She also wasn’t a good declutterer- so all her papers, letters and postcards were also found there. The National Trust bought it in 1982 and made it into a wonderful ’museum’ by hardly changing anything. The main is her dining table in the front window. The first extra is her parlour. She was a shorthand typist with a shipping firm, a white-collar job, and could afford a few special things - like the Scottish pottery dog on the mantelpiece, and her best china in the cupboard. The second extra is her sunny kitchen window, with some items we still use (colander) and some we don’t thank goodness (washboard). I was pleased to see on the kitchen table her typed up recipe for chocolate cake, and a recipe for chocolate pudding clipped our of a magazine:) 
The third extra is of her coal storage in the kitchen.  She had a range in the kitchen for cooking and hot water, and a coal fire in the parlour. It was opened as shown to get access to use some coal. But, when there was a delivery, that door was shut, and the top opened up. The coal was poured in, and then the top shut as quickly as possible to minimise the coal dust getting all over everything in the kitchen. Can you imagine how disheartening it would be to have to wash coal grime off all your crockery and appliances. 

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