Following George's giant lugs (Day 2543)

It seems to have been a busy sort of a day. After getting some laundry in the washing machine, I headed out for a morning wander with Sigyn. Home for breakfast and to get the washing hung on the line outside.
There was a bit of time to sort out one of the bike insurance policies before  my beautiful wife came home from work. Then it  was off out to Stromness to get out a ride on George. HV took Red out and we had a fine ride out through the middle of Stromness and back to the field via the shore.
Home for lunch then off out with Sigyn again for a nice wander up behind Finstown. We settled Sigyn at home then zoomed back to Stromness.
HV reckons that I would benefit from riding a variety of horses, so sent me out on Beepers. I have ridden him once before, but this was my first solo on him. It was a really fine ride out and he behaved really well for me. I quite liked being out on him. Next time I will get out for longer, and might even get him into third gear...

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