Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bluebird Tales

The bluebirds were hard at work today - he singing and guarding while she gathered nesting material.  I haven't looked in the box yet but I think it must be getting pretty near being done.  I'll put a shot of Missus in Extra with a beak full of leaves and grass.

I'm thrilled to report that the results of my CT scan were posted to the patient portal late yesterday and all looks good.  Happily, I have not grown anything!  Now waiting for mammogram results although I don't expect any surprises there.  

Spent some time messaging with HillyBlips this morning and talking to Sefferdog.  Plans have been made to meet up in FL next month for some shooting - it has been so long since we have all been together and I am just  over the moon!  Flights have been booked and plans are being made to visit some of our favorite photo locations. And there are going to be lots and lots of hugs!

We took Jax out for some shopping today - first to a garden center where we bought a couple of dwarf trees for the front of the house and then to Home Depot where I bought some herbs and a few potted flowers.  Jax got lots of attention and got to sniff all kinds of interesting things.  And then he supervised from the deck while I planted everything. He is now passed out, snoring, on the sofa.  We used the time out to practice sits and stays, with marginal success.  People tend to stop and ask about him because he is rather an eye-catching color.  And he just loves the attention - dispensing kisses and wiggling for all he's worth.  Hard to train under those conditions...

Dark with hazelnuts today.  And after drinking what felt like gallons of water last night to flush the dye and chemicals from the scan out of my system, I plan to have some wine tonight.  I have earned it this week.


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