for boston... remembrance

and honor of -

for courage - and strength - determination and resiliency during a tough time as this...

my thoughts and prayers are with you - those of you in boston - those of you who ran in the marathon - those of you who participated in the watching along the streets... for loved ones - for friends - for families - be strong - stand firm!

i cannot quite wrap my head around what happened at the marathon yesterday - in those beloved streets of boston - it is an act i don't understand - one i can't fathom someone having the capacity of doing - for in the doing it causes pain - harm - and that is not the kind of person i am - so i don't get it...

boston is near and dear to me for many reasons - i have participated in the watching of the marathon in person several different years - right along the same stretch where the bombs went off - those images have brought back memories for me - of being with loved ones - i know many people in the running community being a marathoner myself - runners have a strong fortitude - not easily swayed - this act will not deter them - knock them down perhaps - but will not knock them out - they will get back up - boston itself is a driven city - known for being competitive - it will not be easily challenged by this act either - i'm certain the race will continue on as strong as ever next year - different, yes - but wiser - with better armour on - pride still intact - for that's what it's about - you get back up - you head for the finish line - to complete the race - to get it done - to finalize what you started - no one will get the best of you - in your determination you will have -


happy day.....

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