jeni and the beans

By themessymama

The Aftermath

We made some chalk paint yesterday and the boys were desperate to paint with it again today so we took it outside and let them loose. Mostly. The floor got painted, the boat got painted, their clothes got painted, the shed got painted. The ants got painted.

They had a lot of fun! More here.

We investigated millipedes in the digging patch, and noticed there were a lot of ants scurrying around so I asked online if anyone had any non-toxic ant repellants that we could use to stop the ants invading the digging patch and I had a few interesting replies - black and red peppercorns (crushed), and cinnamon are apparently good ant repellants; and a half and half mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle is an ant killer. Cornmeal if you can find it is an ant killer too, they like it for its sweetness but can't digest it. So there you go. I'm not a fan of ants, can you tell??

In other news the den from Sunday survives, the LED balloons are still glowing, and I hate evening meetings (had one last night, the meeting itself was fine, but I was so stressed having taken a grumpy Bear with me that I felt pretty useless). Came home and fought with Bear's crochet blanket for another hour and managed to get a whole four pieces joined! Gaahh!! Hopefully the next three sets of four won't take an hour each....

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