The Big 5-0

this is how I look now!! I'm sure of it!!  especially with the amount of cake i've consumed over the past couple of days!! And that permanent look of bemusement on my face! it's like looking in a mirror!

So big birthday today for me and it still doesn't seem real that i'm 'that' age.... 21 seems more easier to cope with!  But it's been a lovely day! We had to nip into Southend first thing as Dad needed to visit the bank, and then we had plans to go elsewhere afterwards. But the bank visit took a lot longer than planned - they do like to make life difficult nowadays don't they! - so we ended up changing plans and ended up having a really lovely time!

Had lunch at a lovely little cafe along the seafront, and then went for a wander and ended up at the sealife centre where we are members, so it was rude not to go in for a quick visit! And the Macaque monkeys were looking very well in the warmth of their enclosure!

And then a couple of friends dropped round with cards and pressies this afternoon so more cake had to be consumed... and now I'm ready for bed!

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