Flower Friday

As it is still the school holidays there was no Tittle Tattle Teashop in the village, so I went to the garden centre to see if anyone came up for a coffee.  Quite a few people away, but Corinthian arrived and after she left fellow Bus Pass Walker P turned up.  I stayed until lunchtime and then caught the bus to town as I had to take in my phone for a new battery.  The battery had swollen (apparently a known fault on that model) and warped the back of the phone. With the phone being in a case I  hadn’t noticed until the buttons didn’t align with the case openings. High danger of exploding apparently!  As the shop was busy I had to leave the phone for collection later.  Strange how many times you go to look at your phone when you don’t have it with you!  I went  home to meet my daughter to give her the presents for her birthday today.  Grandson F turned up as well, so lovely to see them.  They only live in the next village but we are all so busy it can be weeks before we get chance to meet up!  Son then home so took the car back to town, collected phone (looked like new) and shopped for some heavier items which I normally can’t carry home on the bus.  Today’s blip had to be of the beautiful blossom which is lasting well around the village. Still backblipping I’m afraid - this photo posted on Monday for last Friday.

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