Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Tiny Violas for Tiny Tuesday

Despite two days of grey skies and rain, today the sun will be coming back, at least until Friday!  Luckily, my big pot of tiny violas on the balcony, allows me to bring spring into my home. The fragrance of these tiny flowers is so delicate and lovely.

The square crochet mat was made some time ago. I liked adding an extra flower in the corner for embellishment!

Thank you to Sheol for hosting Tiny Tuesday today!

Health: I took a taxi to doc's appointment yesterday. He gave me a shot in my back and it is greatly relieved, though the pinched Crural nerve in my leg and knee makes walking very uncomfortable still. I'm doing lots of crochet and reading and documetaries on TV (the over-repeated films are without interest)

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