
By Tinks

Racing at Ascot

We've been racing at Ascot today!

As part of our annual Newmarket membership we get certain 'free' days at other racecourses and in return Newmarket host them back. Today was the day that Ascot hosted us and very nice it was too! I'd never been to Ascot before and my goodness it's really impressive... and really, really, BIG!!! I was a bit taken a back.

Within members it all gets very posh and there's even an exclusive members club where everyone calls everyone 'darling' ... I only know this as I was people spotting and earwigging in the queue in the ladies!

We spent most of our time there at the side of the paddock. I'm happier amoungst the real horses opposed to the women that try and impersonate them! No offence if that's what you're into, it's just not me!! After picking our horses we had a small bet on the Tote before running to watch the race! Luckily, it was a great day weather wise too!

On a downside we had to leave after the third race as Jade's still not the best, I'm sure the fresh air did her some good but she started coughing quite a lot so we came home.

A shot of Calpol later she was running around the garden and now she's on the couch eating pizza and watching trash T.V. ... she's still coughing though so we may end up at the Dr. on Monday at this rate!!

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