Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

It's that time of year again...

It's that time of year where I drive to the garden centre or nursery (same plants, £2 a pot extra) and MrsDB sees how much she can get into her trolley before things fall out.

I think Eamonn Andrews 'Crackerjack' programme must've been her inspiration.  I remember the 'double or drop' part!  Then she allows me to go to the checkout and pay for her but not forgetting that on the way she has to pass the gardening gloves section, Weedol tubs, pick up another trolley for some more bags of that peat substitute stuff.  Then we go for a coffee while she lists all the things she's forgotten to collect and we go around again.  And again...  I must've spent well over £25 this morning.

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